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Important Notes & FAQs
注意事項 Things To Note· 準備額外的口罩,防疫也防塵。 · 客户務必全程在场,也務必有一位女士在場陪同。 · 整理不包括清洁服务。 · 請确保要整理的空間透氣通风。 · 如果有怀孕、风水、宗教、宠物等需注意事項,请提前通知我們。 · 取消或重新安排預約務必提前3天通知。 · 請事先把贵重物品收妥。 · 我們将會拍摄整理前和整理后的照片。在网站和社交媒体上發布的照片和影片會事先徵求客户同意。 · Prepare extra mask for health precautions, also to prevent dust. · Client must be present at all times, and there must be a lady on-site. · Tidying does not include cleaning service. · Ensure the areas to be tidy are well ventilated. · If you have any concerns like pregnancy, Feng Shui, religion, pets, etc., please notify us in advance. · Cancellation or rescheduling booking must be notified 3 days in advance. · Keep your valuable items safe aside. · Before and after photos will be taken. Tidyupsg will not post any photos and videos on the website and social media without client's consent.
Q: Tidyupsg 整理收費怎麼算?How much does Tidyupsg charge?價格/時數:S$80 / 1小時,最少預約3個小時。(取消預約或改期請務必在3天前通知) S$80 per hour, with a minimum of 3 hours booking. (Cancelation or rescheduling booking must be notified 3 days in advance.)
Q: 我該預約多少個小時?How many hours will I need?最少預約三個小時。整理師會視現場狀況或照片做評估,包括整理的空間大小、雜亂程度、物品數量、客戶參與程度、斷捨離速度、預算等等。我們會提供一次免費諮詢,再做預算。如果你也想提升整理技巧,整理師也會從旁指導,你的高度參與有助於加快整理速度,省時又省錢喲! It depends on the project’s complexity, including the size of the area, clutter level, amount of items, level of participation and time for making decisions, budget, etc. Some people use 2 days to tidy up the closet, while some may use 3 hours. Therefore, do provide a complimentary consultation before the tidying process to help you plan accordingly. If you would like to hone the skill of tidying, your high participation will definitely speed up the process, and you’ll save more time and money!
Q: 可以刷卡嗎?Do you accept credit cards?目前只接受 PayNow, PayLah!, 銀行轉帳以及現金付款方式。 Currently only accept PayNow, PayLah!, bank transfer, and cash payment.
Q: 居家清潔和整理服務有什麼不同?Is tidying the same as cleaning?顧名思義,清潔是處理髒污;整理是處理雜亂。清潔變乾淨;整理變整齊。 As the name says, cleaning deals with dirt, and tidying deals with mess. It’s same same but different.
Q: 整理服務包括什麼?How does the tidying process work?除了提供全面的空間規劃、斷捨離引導、物品重新定位、動線調整、收納品推薦等,我們會依據你的生活習慣客製化整理收納系統,讓你重拾整潔有序的生活空間。我們也會在現場教你簡單的整理技巧,讓你日後仍然可以輕鬆維持。 The tidying process will provide comprehensive space planning, decluttering guidance, item repositioning, flow adjustment, storage recommendation, etc. Based on your living habits, I will customize a storage system, helping you regain a tidy and organized space. I will also teach you the simple tidying technic to still easily maintain it in the future.
Q: 我一定要丟東西嗎?Do I have to throw things away?不一定。整理師不會強迫客戶丟東西,最終決定權依然你說了算。我們會依據你的最終決定和實際收納空間提出建議。當然,有捨必有得,物品減量對日後打理的功夫和成本也會減少喲! Not necessarily. The final decision is yours. If it were to impact your storage efficiency, I would work around the decision you’ve made. Of course, reducing the number of items will also help facilitate cleaning in the future.
Q: 整理服務有包含清潔嗎?Do you provide cleaning service?如上述所提到,整理是處理雜亂,並非處理髒污,所以整理服務不包含清潔。不過,在整理過程中會協助你做物品“回收”和“丟棄”的分類。如果你有重物需要丟棄,你可以致電市鎮理事會預約時間,是免費的哦! Tidying does not include cleaning service. However, I will assist you in sorting the “give away” items and the “discard” items. If you have bulky items to discard, you may call Town Council to assist, it’s free!
Q: 有提供收納用品嗎?Do you provide organizing supplies?不需要事先購買任何收納品,我們會提供你一個建議清單。如果你需要我們幫忙挑選代購收納品,我們將會酌收額外服務費用。或者陪同你一起採購也ok,費用是正常時數整理服務的一半,即每小時$30。 *收費將從2025年1月1日調整為S$40。 Please don’t buy any organizing supplies beforehand. I will recommend suitable organizing supplies for you. If you need my help to purchase the organizing supplies, there will be additional charges to cover my time and effort. Or if you need my accompany to shop together also can, and the costs will be 50% off the regular hourly booking rate. * Please note that our rate will be adjusted to S$40 commencing January 1, 2025.
Q: 整理前我需要準備什麼嗎?Anything I should prepare?可做分類的大袋子或箱子、垃圾袋、夾鏈袋、吸塵機。 Bags or boxes for sorting, garbage bags, zip lock bags, vacuum.
Q: Tidyupsg 整理師專業嗎?Can I trust Tidyupsg to handle my belongings?本人已完成居家整聊室的培訓課程訓練,並考獲初級和中級專業整聊師認證,同時也是NAPO美國專業整理師協會學員。 Tidyupsg尊重所有客戶的隱私。 I am a certified professional home organizer with Tidyman (Taiwan), and also a member of NAPO (National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals). respect all clients' confidentiality.
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